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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Doubts and Uneasy Feelings

I haven't ranted about anything lately and I feel like it's time.

I've been watching the news, reading posts from news sources that I trust, listening to others, checking out the news videos and articles on their websites, and I've come to some very disturbing conclusions.

All of the tin foil people have been making some pretty outrageous claims all along.  The first one that I heard was that this virus currently causing so much fear worldwide was created in a lab in Wuhan, China.  This was poo-pooed by so many news agencies that, well hey!, maybe those people early claims were a bunch of garbage.  For many reasons, one of which being that one of the "tin foil" hat people is a scientist who always has good information, I kept that in the back of my mind.  Turns out they were right and the "official" track was wrong.  Seriously, who ever believed that the virus started because people at a wet market made some very strange food choices??

The next thing we're hearing is that Trump is recommending a certain drug for treatment of the virus.  Enter the talking heads who don't agree with him and are saying he's going to kill millions.  After weeks of hearing that, it turns out he was right and at least one State is now doing clinical trials to prove the efficacy of this treatment.  People are being healed by hydroxy chloroquine .  Taken in combination with zinc sulfate and Azithromycin more and more patients are leaving the hospitals.

Early reports had people requiring ventilators, with Cuomo going nuts and screaming that he needs a ridiculous amount.  Following that I received information, again from trusted sources, that placing patients on ventilators was causing more harm than good and was in fact destroying or permanently damaging patients' lungs.  Now what's the "official" recommended treatment?  Avoid ventilators.

Masks.  We must all wear masks.  Doesn't matter what kind.  So the country went crazy making masks.  Doesn't matter that they don't do any good - make them and wear them.  At the same time that we're being told that this can be transmitted by air particulates, touching something that someone infected touched, walking through a store where an infected person walked and picking it up on our shoes, and so on ad nauseum.  The truth is they don't know exactly or in how many ways it's transmitted, but we have to avoid contact with anything and everything.  Just curious - how many of you are sterilizing everything you brought home from the grocery store or Wal Mart?

While we're at it - do you sterilize your mail, your Amazon packages, your FedEx and UPS deliveries?  Just asking.

And now the big push is for vote-by-mail because of the virus.  Coincidentaly this push is being espoused by the same political party that has in several States declared that voter ID is Un-Constitutional.  It's also the party that has tons of dead and illegals voting for them.  Vote-by-mail does NOT require an ID, and it's already been proven as a sure fire way to commit voter fraud.  I guess if you can't beat 'em, cheat 'em.

And consider this - hospitals are labeling every death as being caused by Corona.  WTH?  If I have a heart attack tomorrow and die as a result, I'm labeled as a COVID death.  Car accident?  Diabetic coma?  Snake bite?  Nope, that's not the official COD - it was the virus.  Why fudge the numbers?  Could it be yet another reason to keep the country closed and under what basically amounts to martial law?

There are some States that are even banning the purchase of seeds and are closing garden centers.  Why?  Why are we being denied the right to plant gardens to feed ourselves fresh food?  Could it be because certain facets of government (read: certain Party lines) want everyone dependent on their largesse?

Welcome to the Socialist States of America, people.

It's time to push back. 

Monday, April 13, 2020

Falling Behind!

My last post was Challenge #5 - we're already up to #9!  This has been a great inspiration for all of us and a good kick in the pants to spend some time playing with ink and paper.

#6 is actually a companion page to one I finished last year.  It's my 80# baby Apollo on the day he came back from spending several weeks with a trainer.  I wish I could say that it was effective, but he was still a wild child when he came home.  The best part of it was the fact that he was (mostly) house trained when he came home.  I guess I should be grateful and count that as a win!

#7 - I've been trying to document all of the changes we've been making.  This was in September 2019 when I had 5 dead trees removed.  One was hanging over my bedroom, one was over the deck.  The other 3 were scattered in the general area.  The trees basically died almost overnight, as did a lot of others in the neighborhood following the flooding from the 2 hurricanes that dumped 35"+ on us in a 3 week span.  The water lingered for 6 months before finally evaporating.  Strangely enough our trees weren't in the flooded area, but the fungus that killed them started because of the water.  I was amazed at how much it opened up the yard to have them removed.

#8 - October 2019 - I decided that I was tired of paper bag brown walls in the living room and red and bronze in the dining room.  I selected colors that appeared more aqua tinted on the chips than they looked on the walls.  So... I ended up with BABY FRIGGIN" BLANKET BLUE walls.  Since I screwed up my knee royally painting just one wall, we had a painter come in to finish.  I love the way the dining room looks, and will just live with the living room.  The den will be repainted as soon as the Corona Virus has passed and the painter can come back.  Memo to self:  buy a small can of paint and test it before committing to it!

Stay safe and maintain social distancing!